Chris Southon avatar

Chris Southon

Front-end Developer

My work

CSS Cheatsheet image
CSS Cheatsheet

Shows how CSS Flexbox, rows, columns and grid layouts work.

Horiseon Webpage image

Refactor Assignment for Bootcamp, using HTML and CSS

Prework Study Guide Webpage image
Study Guide

For Pre Study Work, contains info on HTML, CSS, Git & JavaScript.

Password Generator

Generates a random password based on users inputs.

npm Generator

Generates a file from user input using Node.js

Team Profile Generator

Generates a html file from user input using Node.js

About Me

Hi, I'm Chris and I'm a Front End Web Developer Student based in the Isle of Wight, UK. Before becoming a student, I was a chef for 20 years until I decided to swap my knives for a keyboard and dive into code. Up to now, I'm self taught, and have focused mostly working with bootstrap, until I became a Front-end Development student. I'm enthusiastic when it comes to learning something new and I love a challenge and problem solving, I don't give up (unless there's no more coffee!).

My Skills

    Skills I've learnt so far...

  • HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery
  • Bootstrap, Git, GitHub

  • UX design principles.

  • React.

  • Build modern web applications, using frameworks like Node.js and React.

Contact Me